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Action for the ocean: Insects as one solution

Writer's picture: IulianaIuliana

Today, the UN will come together to unite, promote and implement sustainable solutions in order to protect one of the world's most valuable ecosystems, the ocean.

To mark this occasion, the UN says: "On this day, we have an opportunity to raise global awareness of the benefits humankind derives from the ocean and our individual and collective duty to use its resources sustainably."

There is no doubt that the ecosystem of the blue world below us is in crisis and that change is glaringly apparent. In a recent report, it was found that as the temperature continues to rise, the coral reef continues to face deterioratisation on an unprecedented scale as “Coral bleaching affected 91% of reefs surveyed along the Great Barrier Reef this year”. Coral bleaching is caused by warmer temperatures as “when water is too warm, corals expel the algae (zooxanthellae) living in their tissues causing the coral to turn completely white. This is called coral bleaching. When a coral bleaches, it is not dead. Corals can survive a bleaching event, but they are under more stress and are subject to mortality..

Yet despite the unprecedented change the world is going through, a report from world ocean day 2021 concluded that “1,103 organisations from over 84 countries signed the global petition to protect at least 30% of our planet's lands, waters, and ocean by 2030”.

In order to make a change, sustainable solutions are underway in many countries around the world in order to restore the health of our oceans. Members of society and leaders of the world need to take action in allowing edible insects to be implemented within our everyday lives as edible insects such as crickets require less than 100L of water for 1kg of edible crickets, as opposed to 15,000L of water needed for 1kg of beef. Alongside this, 1kg of protein from beef emits a massive 2,850g of GHGs into the atmosphere, whereas 1kg of insect protein only emits 1g.

The average adult in the UK consumes 31.5kg of beef per year (~90 kg emissions). Even if we substitute just 2% of this beef consumption with edible insects (eating 12g of insects per week which is miniscule), we could prevent 2 kgs of CO2 emission per person, per year. A small change with a big positive outcome.

With the growing appreciation of the health of our ocean being tightly interconnected with our existence, we are now looking at how we take care of our environment in order to ensure a better future for us and the oceans’ vast ecosystem because after all, we have one ocean, one climate and one future, together. Support us to provide one of the solutions: edible insects!

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